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Professional resource for gluten free nutrition.

Dr. Schär Institute

Useful resources

Taste-it Card (dutch)

The "Taste it" card, which you can give to your patients during the first consultation, is exclusively available for people who have just been diagnosed. All the patient has to do is fill in the card and send it to Schär. In return, they will receive several original products and product samples to taste free of charge as well as valuable informative material. The “Taste it” cards can be obtained individually or in combination with the “Taste it” pack.

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Taste-it Card (hungarian)

The "Taste it" card, which you can give to your patients during the first consultation, is exclusively available for people who have just been diagnosed. All the patient has to do is fill in the card and send it to Schär. In return, they will receive several original products and product samples to taste free of charge as well as valuable informative material. The “Taste it” cards can be obtained individually or in combination with the “Taste it” pack.

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Taste-it Card (swedish)

The "Taste it" card, which you can give to your patients during the first consultation, is exclusively available for people who have just been diagnosed. All the patient has to do is fill in the card and send it to Schär. In return, they will receive several original products and product samples to taste free of charge as well as valuable informative material. The “Taste it” cards can be obtained individually or in combination with the “Taste it” pack.

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Taste-it Card (slovak)

The "Taste it" card, which you can give to your patients during the first consultation, is exclusively available for people who have just been diagnosed. All the patient has to do is fill in the card and send it to Schär. In return, they will receive several original products and product samples to taste free of charge as well as valuable informative material. The “Taste it” cards can be obtained individually or in combination with the “Taste it” pack.

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Taste-it Card (Czech)

The "Taste it" card, which you can give to your patients during the first consultation, is exclusively available for people who have just been diagnosed. All the patient has to do is fill in the card and send it to Schär. In return, they will receive several original products and product samples to taste free of charge as well as valuable informative material. The “Taste it” cards can be obtained individually or in combination with the “Taste it” pack.

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Taste-it Box (dutch)

To be given to patients with coeliac condition: In a small box the patient is given a guidebook with information about coeliac condition, a gluten-free product sample and an order form with which they can order a free product sample pack from Schär.

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Taste-it Box (hungarian)

To be given to patients with coeliac condition: In a small box the patient is given a guidebook with information about coeliac condition, a gluten-free product sample and an order form with which they can order a free product sample pack from Schär.

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Taste-it Box (swedish)

To be given to patients with coeliac condition: In a small box the patient is given a guidebook with information about coeliac condition, a gluten-free product sample and an order form with which they can order a free product sample pack from Schär.

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Taste-it-Box (Czech)

To be given to patients with coeliac condition: In a small box the patient is given a guidebook with information about coeliac condition, a gluten-free product sample and an order form with which they can order a free product sample pack from Schär.

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Taste-it-Köfferchen (für den deutschsprachigen Raum)

Zum Mitgeben an Ihre Zöliakiepatienten: In einer kleinen Box findet der Patient einen Ratgeber mit Informationen zu Zöliakie, ein glutenfreies Produktmuster sowie eine Bestellkarte mit der er kostenfrei ein Produktprobepaket bestellen kann.

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Taste-it-Karte zum Bestellen eines kostenlosen Probepaketes (Deutsch)

Exklusiv für Neudiagnostizierte gibt es die Taste-it-Karte, die Sie Ihren Patienten bei der ersten Beratung überreichen können. Der Patient muss nur online den Code auf der Karte eintragen oder die Karte frankiert an Schär senden. Dafür erhält er kostenlos eine Brotbox mit Originalprodukten zum Verkosten sowie wertvolles Informationsmaterial. Die Taste-it-Karten erhalten Sie einzeln oder in Kombination mit dem Taste-it-Köfferchen (siehe unten).

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Information about celiac disease (Albanian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Raccomandazioni per la terapia nutrizionale nella sindrome dell’intestino irritabile

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Cøliaki – Enkelt forklart (Norwegian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Kako lakše živeti sa celijakijom?

This booklet has been specifically put together for people with the dual diagnosis of diabetes and celiac disease. This booklet features detailed information on disease management tips such as carb counting, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and menu planning.

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Schär Allergen Information Sheet (for the United Kingdom)

A complete list of our Schär gluten free retail range, including allergen information for each product.

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The Healthcare Professional Pack (for the United Kingdom)

The healthcare professional pack provides a comprehensive collection of resources that will enable you to support your patients in understanding their condition and following a gluten free diet. The pack includes product guides, patient leaflets and starter cards for patients as well as a range of resources for healthcare professionals on coeliac disease and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

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Diagnostic Information Sheet: Algorithm to differentiate adverse reactions to gluten (for the United Kingdom)

This information sheet provides a short summary on how to differentiate between coeliac disease and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. It includes a table outlining similarities and differences between the two conditions, as well as a diagnostic algorithm for gluten-related disorders and a list of common symptoms associated with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

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Living with Coeliac Disease and Diabetes Leaflet (for the United Kingdom)

This booklet is designed to support patients who have been diagnosed with both coeliac disease and diabetes, including general background information on both conditions alongside suitable recipes and tips for a healthier lifestyle.

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Mini Product Guide (for the United Kingdom)

The Mini Product Guide provides details on the extensive range of prescription foods available from Glutafin in a handy wallet-sized format. This includes free from information and Pharmacy Ordering Codes (PIP Codes).

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Glutafin Starter Cards (for the United Kingdom)

Glutafin starter cards allow patients who have been recently diagnosed with coeliac disease to register and order a taster box full of Glutafin gluten-free prescription products to try. To receive their FREE taster box, patients simply complete their details on the ’reply-paid‘ section of the card and return to us using the freepost address.

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Algoritmo diagnóstico para la enfermedad celíaca (Español)

Es la herramienta perfecta para tener a mano en la consulta. El algoritmo facilita las claves para asegurar un correcto diagnóstico de Enfermedad Celíaca tanto en la edad pediátrica como en la edad adulta. Descubra los síntomas más frecuentes, pruebas recomendadas, situaciones de sospecha… el algoritmo resolverá sus dudas sobre el diagnóstico.

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Algoritmo trastornos relacionados con el gluten (Español)

Algoritmo diagnostico publicado por Ana Sapone en la revista BMC Medicine que permite la diferenciación de los trastornos funcionales relacionados con el gluten.  Presenta las bases para llegar más fácilmente a un diagnóstico correcto distinguiendo la enfermedad celíaca de la sensibilidad al gluten o la alergia al trigo.

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Catálogo de productos (Español)

Aquí, se enumeran los productos Schär actualmente disponibles, junto con los detalles sobre los valores nutricionales e indicaciones relativas a los ingredientes y alérgenos.

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Ficha informativa sobre la enfermedad celíaca (Español)

En una cada de la ficha informativa plastificada, se plasma una visión general sobre la enfermedad celíaca, mientras que en la otra cara figura un listado con los alimentos sin gluten por naturaleza, los que pueden contener gluten y los que contienen gluten.

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Libro de la enfermedad Celiaca: Cómo convivir fácilmente con la celiaquía (Español)

Puede solicitarse junto con el estuche «Taste it» o por separado. El libro contiene información exhaustiva sobre la enfermedad celíaca. Recomendamos que el paciente lo lea en sus primero días tras el diagnóstico para resolver sus dudas iniciales.

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Recetario básico (Español)

Recetario que presenta las 3 harinas básicas para cocinar sin gluten, acompañados por una pequeña selección de recetas para elaborar pan y dulces y los trucos necesarios para que el plato quede perfecto. ¡Buen provecho!

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Carpeta sobre la efermedad celíaca para los niños (Español)

En este folleto, Milly, la pequeña libélula azul de Schär, explica qué es la enfermedad celíaca utilizando palabras simples y con un lenguaje adaptado a los más pequeños.

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Catálogo de bolsillo (Español)

Práctico catálogo de bolsillo para tener siempre a mano. Ahora es mucho más fácil consultar de un sólo vistazo la foto y los alérgenos de todos los productos Schär disponibles en el mercado.

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Tarjeta «Taste it» (Español)

A aquellas personas a las que les ha sido diagnosticada la enfermedad recientemente, se les ha reservado una tarjeta «Taste it» que podrán entregar a sus pacientes en la primera consulta. El paciente sólo debe rellenar la tarjeta y enviarla sin sello a Schär. De este modo, recibirá un paquete de bienvenida con muestras de producto y material informativo. La tarjeta «Taste it» puede solicitarse por separado o junto con el estuche «Taste it».

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Estuche «Taste it» (para España)

Para entregar a sus pacientes celíacos: incluye un manual con información sobre la enfermedad celíaca, un catálogo de bolsillo, una muestra de productos sin gluten y una tarjeta para solicitar  el paquete de bienvenida Schär con muestras de producto.

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3-Stufen-Beratung: Hinweise für den Berater (Deutsch)

Ergänzend zu den Unterlagen, die durch das Beratungsgespräch führen, können sie hier kleine Notizzettel im DIN-A6-Format, mit weiterführenden Informationen und didaktischen Hinweisen herunterladen.

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3-Stufen-Beratung: Schulungsunterlagen Teil Zöliakie (Deutsch)

Hier können Sie alle Schulungsunterlagen zum Thema Zöliakie und glutenfreie Ernährung herunterladen. Laden Sie zusätzlich den "Hinweis für Berater" mit weiterführenden Informationen und didaktischen Hinweisen herunter.

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3-Stufen-Beratung: Schulungsunterlagen Teil Gluten-/Weizensensitivität (Deutsch)

Hier können Sie alle Schulungsunterlagen zum Thema Gluten-/Weizensensitivität und glutenfreie Ernährung herunterladen. Laden Sie zusätzlich den "Hinweis für Berater" mit weiterführenden Informationen und didaktischen Hinweisen herunter.

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Infoblatt Diagnoseweg Zöliakie (Deutsch)

Dr. med. Michael Schumann hat den Diagnoseprozess zusammengefasst und erläutert, warum Zöliakie häufig unentdeckt bleibt und wie die Diagnoserate gesteigert werden kann.

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Infoblatt Diagnoseweg Gluten-/Weizensensitivität (Deutsch)

Das Dr. Schär Institute hat für Sie auf Basis aktueller, wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse eine Diagnoseschema für Gluten-/Weizensensitivität erstellt, das den Algorithmus zur Unterscheidung zwischen Weizenallergie, Gluten-/Weizensensitivität und Zöliakie zeigt.

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Broschüre Gluten-/Weizensensitivität (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) (Deutsch)

Einen Überblick über Gluten und Gluten-/Weizensensitivität, das junge Feld der Wissenschaft, gibt diese Fachbroschüre. Neben der Definition, der Symptomatik, dem diagnostischen Algorithmus und Ablauf werden die verschiedenen therapeutischen Indikationen erläutert und praktische Fallstudien vorgestellt.

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Produktliste (Deutsch)

Die Produktliste ist ausgerichtet für Fachkräfte. Hier sind die aktuell erhältlichen Produkte aufgelistet mit detaillierten Nährwerten und Zutatenangaben.

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Infoblatt Zöliakie (Deutsch)

Das Infoblatt gibt auf der einen Seite einen kurzen Überblick über Zöliakie und zeigt auf der anderen Seite in einer Übersicht unbedenklich, riskante und verbotene Lebensmittel bei Zöliakie auf.

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Infoblatt Zöliakie (Version Österreich)

Dieses Infoblatt ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Zöliakie entstanden. Es gibt auf der einen Seite einen kurzen Überblick über Zöliakie und zeigt auf der anderen Seite in einer Übersicht unbedenklich, riskante und verbotene Lebensmittel auf.

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Patientenbroschüre „Ab jetzt glutenfrei“ (Deutsch)

In dieser Broschüre findet der Patient Informationen zu Zöliakie, weiteren glutenbedingten Erkrankung und zur glutenfreien Ernährung, um zu Hause in Ruhe alles nachzulesen.

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Backheft (Deutsch)

Hier finden Patienten Rezepte für die glutenfreien Backmischungen und Mehle. Das Backheft eignet sich auch für den Einsatz in der Lehrküche.

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Eltern-Infomappe (Deutsch)

Mit der neuen Eltern-Infomappe unterstützt Schär Eltern zöliakiebetroffener Kinder beim glutenfreien Start in die Kindergarten- und Schulzeit mit handlichen Infomaterialien.

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Zöliakie-Folder für Kinder (Deutsch)

Kindern verständlich zu machen, was Zöliakie ist und wie glutenfreie Ernährung funktioniert, ist gar nicht so einfach. In diesem Folder erklärt Milly, die kleine blaue Libelle von Schär, mit einfachen Worten und in kindgerechter Sprache, was Sache ist.

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Schema diagnostico "Celiachia" (Italiano)

Il Prof. Carlo Catassi, pediatra di Ancona, ha riassunto il processo di diagnosi e spiega perché la celiachia spesso rimane non diagnosticata e come poter aumentare la quota delle diagnosi.

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Schema diagnostico "Sensibilità al glutine non celiaca" (Italiano)

Il Dr. Schär Institute ha elaborato per Lei sulla base delle attuali conoscenze scientifiche, un algoritmo che mostra un sistema di diagnosi per distinguere tra allergia al grano, sensibilità al glutine non celiaca e celiachia.

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Opuscolo "La sensibilità al glutine non celiaca (non celiac gluten sensitivity)" (Italiano)

Questo opuscolo fornisce una panoramica sul glutine e sulla sensibilità al glutine, un argomento relativamente nuovo. Oltre alla definizione, alla sintomatologia, all'algoritmo diagnostico e al decorso vengono illustrate le diverse indicazioni terapeutiche e vengono presentati studi di casi pratici.

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Catalogo dei prodotti (Italiano)

Qui sono elencati i prodotti Schär attualmente disponibili, unitamente ai dettagli su valori nutrizionali, indicazioni relative agli ingredienti e informazioni sugli allergeni.

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Scheda informativa sulla celiachia (Italiano)

Da un lato della scheda informativa plastificata è stampato un riassunto sulla celiachia e dall’altro lato una tabella che mostra gli alimenti liberi, a rischio e vietati.

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Libretto informativo “Guida introduttiva alla celiachia e all'alimentazione senza glutine” (Italiano)

L’opuscolo informativo, disponibile in 21 lingue diverse, può essere dato al paziente anche senza il cofanetto Taste-it. Potrá trovare esaurienti informazioni sulla celiachia da rileggere con calma e tranquillità a casa.

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Libretto informativo “Celiachia e diabete” (Italiano)

A causa della stessa predisposizione genetica circa il 3-8 per cento degli affetti da diabete di tipo 1 ha anche la celiachia. Questa brochure esplicita le relazioni tra le due malattie e fornisce inoltre consigli pratici.

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Ricettario (Italiano)

In questo libretto il paziente troverà ricette per le farine e le miscele senza glutine. Il ricettario è ideale anche per apprendisti cuochi.

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Opuscolo informativo per genitori ed educatori (Italiano)

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Info-Folder per i bambini (Italiano)

Far capire ai bambini che cosa è la celiachia e come seguire la dieta priva di glutine non è così semplice. In questo Folder Milly, la piccola libellula blu di Schär, spiega di che cosa si tratta con parole semplici e con un linguaggio adatto ai più piccoli.

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Cartolina "Taste It" per ordinare gratuitamente un pacchetto di campioni di prova (Italiano)

Alle persone alle quali è stata diagnosticata la celiachia di recente è riservata una cartolina "Taste It" che potrete consegnare ai vostri pazienti al primo consulto. Il paziente deve soltanto inserire il codice sul sito internet o compilare la cartolina e spedirla affrancata a Schär. In questo modo riceverà gratuitamente il nostro box salvafreschezza per il pane e numerosi prodotti originali in assaggio, nonché importante materiale informativo. È possibile ricevere la cartolina "Taste It" da sola o in combinazione con il cofanetto "Taste It"

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Cofanetto Taste it (per l'Italia)

Con questo piccolo box il paziente riceve un vademecum con informazioni sulla celiachia, dei campioncini di prodotti così come una cartolina, con la quale è possibile ordinare gratuitamente un pacchetto con ulteriori prodotti omaggio.

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Fichier « Conseils et outils pour la prise en charge diététique de la maladie coeliaque » (Français)

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Maladie coeliaque - Une maladie sous diagnostoquée (Français)

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Sensibilité au gluten non coeliaque - Une maladie sous diagnostoquée (Français)

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Liste des produits (Français)

Le catalogue contient tous les produits Schär actuellement disponibles avec les valeurs nutritives détaillées et la liste des ingrédients.

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Fiche informative sur la maladie cœliaque (Français)

La fiche informative fournit un bref aperçu de la maladie coeliaque et expose une vue d’ensemble des aliments autorisés, à risque et interdits.

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Comment gére la maladie coeliaque (Français)

Le guide précité peut également être remis aux patients sans le coffret Taste it. Il y trouvera des informations complètes concernant la maladie cœliaque et l'alimentation sans gluten. Le guide est disponible en 21 langues.

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Livret de recettes (Français)

Dans ce livret, les patients trouveront de nombreuses recettes délicieuses pour les mélanges de farines et les farines sans gluten. Le livret de recettes est également adapté à l'apprentissage de la cuisine.

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Brochure pour les enfants traitant de la maladie cœliaque (Français)

Faire comprendre aux enfants ce qu'est la maladie cœliaque et comment une alimentation sans gluten est possible, voilà qui n'est pas vraiment chose facile ! Dans cette brochure, Milly la petite libellule bleue de Schär explique par des mots simples et dans un langage adapté aux enfants de quoi il retourne vraiment.

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Z-Card (Français)

Un tout petit maniable vue d’ensemble, à emporter et pour une consultation rapide de la gamme de produits sans gluten Schär.

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Carte postale "Taste-it" pour la commande gratuite d'un paquet de dégustation (Français)

La carte Taste-it est exclusivement réservée aux personnes récemment diagnostiquées. Vous pouvez la remettre à vos patients lors du premier entretien. Il suffit au patient de remplir la carte et de l'envoyer affranchie à Schär ou d'entrer le code sur Internet. Il recevra alors gratuitement un coffret avec des produits originaux pour dégustation ainsi que des documents d'information. Vous pouvez recevoir les cartes Taste-it seules ou en combinaison avec le coffret Taste-it.

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Petit coffret "Taste it" (pour la France)

Ce petit coffret contient une brochure sur la maladie coeliaque, un échantillon ainsi qu’une carte de commande avec laquelle le patient peut commander gratuitement un colis de bienvenue comportant davantage d’échantillons afi n de découvrir la variété des produits sans gluten de la gamme Schär.

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Differential diagnosis algorithm for CELIAC DISEASE (English-US)

Informational sheet on celiac disease describing symptoms, co-morbidities, and diagnostic pathway. A diagnostic pathway flowchart indicates who needs to be screened and which tests to be performed. The flow chart was created by Prof. Carlo Catassi.

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Differential diagnosis algorithm for Gluten Related Disorders (English-US)

An informational sheet on gluten related disorders describing symptoms and the diagnostic pathway. The differences between celiac disease (CD) and gluten sensitivity (GS) on a molecular level and in terms of immune reaction are described in detail. A diagnostic pathway flowchart indicates who needs to be screened and which tests to be performed. Compiled by the Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, in collaboration with the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy published in BMC Medicine.

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Gluten Sensitivity Booklet (English-US)

Based on the information from the consensus conference and further research Dr. Schär's Professional Team has developed a new booklet on gluten sensitivity. This booklet provides the most up to date information on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of gluten sensitivity. The content summarizes the information from the expert consensus conference and further research from the leading researchers in this developing area of gluten related disorders.

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Celiac disease - quick guide (English-US)

This one page information sheet gives a brief overview of celiac disease, a list of foods to include on a gluten free diet, gluten free food guide pyramid, and label reading tips. A great first introduction for your patients to the gluten free diet.

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First Steps Pamphlet (English-US)

This pamphlet is the perfect guide for those recently diagnosed and starting on a gluten free diet. The pamphlet has information on celiac disease, list of foods allowed on the gluten free diet, label reading and shopping tips, and a weeklong gluten free menu.

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Quick Guide to Gluten Free Carbohydrate Counting (English-US)

This one page information sheet has the basic information on carb counting with gluten free foods and healthy food choices. An easy to read chart will help guide your patient on gluten free carb choices.

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Living with celiac disease booklet (English-US)

The Living with celiac disease booklet delves dipper into celiac disease information including related disorders, testing, diagnosis pathway and follow up care. The booklet also includes detailed information on the gluten free diet and nutrition, dining out and traveling gluten free. It is a valuable education piece for patients. Available in 21 languages.

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Living with celiac disease and diabetes booklet (English-US)

This booklet has been specifically put together for people with the dual diagnosis of diabetes and celiac disease. This booklet features detailed information on disease management tips such as carb counting, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and menu planning.

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Gluten Free Shopping Guide (English-US)

The shopping guide was developed to help your patients navigate through the grocery store safely and with ease. It contains detailed information on hidden sources of gluten, decoding labels as well as diet basics to help your patient make the transition to a gluten free lifestyle.

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Celiac disease pamphlet for children (English-US)

Explaining celiac disease and how a gluten-free diet works to a child is a piece of cake for our Milly. In this pamphlet, Milly, Schär’s little blue dragonfly, explains everything children need to know using simple terminology and child-friendly language.

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Info sheet "Coeliac disease" (Bulgarian)

On the one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Info sheet "Coeliac disease" (Estonian)

On the one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Z-Card (Estonian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Z-Card (Finnish)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Produktlista (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish)

This lists all Schär products that are currently available and includes detailed nutritional values and ingredient information.

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Z-Card (Danish)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (Swedish)

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Brochure about coeliac disease (Swedish)

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Z-Card (Swedish)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Z-Card (Norwegian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Diagnostic Information Sheet: Coeliac Disease (Greek)

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Info sheet "Coeliac disease" (Greek)

On the one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Info Coeliac condition fact sheet: Celijakija – što je to? (Croatian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: KAKO LAKŠE ŽIVJETI S CELIJAKIJOM (Croatian)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Z-Card (Croatian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (Latvian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Z-Card (Latvian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (Lithuanian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: COELIAKIA GONDTALANUL (Hungarian)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Productoverzicht (Dutch)

This lists all Schär products that are currently available and includes detailed nutritional values and ingredient information.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet: Coeliakie - Wat is dat? (Dutch)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: Leren omgaan met coeliakie (Dutch)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Recipe booklet (Dutch)

Patients will find lots of delicious recipes for gluten-free baking mixes and flours in this book. It is also suitable for use in the training kitchen.

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Z-Card (Dutch)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet: Celiakia - Co to jest? (Polish)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: 20 Pytán i odpowiedzi dotyczacych celiakii (Polish)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Z-Card (Polish)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Z-Card (Portuguese)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Algorithm for the diagnosis of coeliac disease (Russian)

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (Russian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease (Russian)

This guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition.

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Z-Card (Russian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Infoleaflet: Celijacna bolest – Šta je to? (Serbian)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of food that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease (Serbian)

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (Slovak)

On one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: ŽIVOT S CELIAKIOU (Slovak)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: ŽIVLJENJE S CELIAKIJO JE LAHKO ENOSTAVNO (Slovenian)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Z-Card (Slovenian)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Infoleaflet: Co je celiakie? (Czech)

On the one side, the laminated info sheet gives a brief overview of coeliac condition and on the other side it provides an overview of foods that are allowed, risky and forbidden if you have coeliac condition.

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Brochure about coeliac disease: SNAZŠÍ ŽIVOT S CELIAKIÍ (Czech)

The guidebook contains extensive information about coeliac condition and gluten-free nutrition. Available in 21 languages.

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Z-Card (Czech)

A handy overview of the Schär gluten-free product range in the format of a concertina business card.

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Coeliac condition fact sheet (English-Arabic)

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